Friday, October 23, 2015

Second Debate and Lightning Rounds

Debate on Social Networking.
Side: Social Networking Has A Negative Affect On Teens
How Did We Do?:
     I believe that our team did a much better job on preparation for this project. We knew what we were doing more then our first debate and knew more of what to expect. Everyone in the team was able to do a great job of adding to the overall debate and making it successful. I believe that some things that we did well were clearly speaking, using our time and preparing our rebuttals. For the most part, everyone in our team was able to clearly speak and get our points across. Everyone's opening was good but towards the end, we seemed to always lose our train of thought. Everyone on our team pretty much used all of their time or was close to the end of their time, which is very good. You need to use all the time you can to make a convincing argument. We prepared much more for this debate then our first. A lot of people wrote out the general stuff they were going to say and then added parts to make good rebuttals against the other team. Overall, even though the debate ended in a tie, our team did much better in this debate than the first one.
    Although we did better in this debate, we still could have done a few things differently. I think our final conclusion could have been prepared a bit more and we could have perhaps gotten our points across a bit clearer. Other than that, our debate seemed very well thought out. 
     I believe that the other team did a much better job this time compared to the first debate. They had a much clearer argument and did not directly accuse people who did not agree with them this time which was very good. No one ending up agreeing with the wrong side and they all seemed to improve even if some of their arguments were short.

Lightning Round Debates:
     I really like the lightning round debates. I think that they are a great way for people to individually learn what their strengths and weaknesses are. It is awesome being able to pick topics that we already know about. This really helps us learn to think quickly and argue about a topic even if we don't agree with the side given to us. So far, everyone has been doing very well on these lightning rounds. People seem to be able to clearly prove their points no matter what side they are on. This is a fun and amazing way of being able to practice our skills and quick thinking for debating.

A Website that has some good ideas on how to prepare for a Debate:

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