Monday, October 26, 2015

How-To Speech Draft

How To: understand cultural differences in body language
     This would be a very fun topic to research. I am always very interested in cultures and relations involving other countries. This is an important topic because a person visiting another country would not want to accidentally offend another persons culture by a "normal" body movement. 

How To: give a dog a check up
     When I was little I always wanted to be a vet. In eighth grade I created a project showing how one is able to give a dog a check up like a veterinarian would. If I used this as my topic I would be able to go into great depth about all the steps needed, and everything to look for when giving a dog a check up.

How To: talk to a deaf person
     I have a friend that has been learning sign language for the past couple years and I find it an amazing way of being able to communicate with others. Using this topic as my speech I could explain the importance of learning sign language. Being able to communicate with deaf people is an important life skill. I could explain how the alphabet works and how the language can be taught to other people.

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