Friday, October 9, 2015

Reflection on Debate

I believe that our team did very well for our first debate, although there are many things we can improve on in the future. Everyone contributed and made good points to support our argument. We were the final winners of the debate. The other team did a very good job, but we had more evidence and points that led to our victory.
Our team had a very good start to the debate. We had a very good introduction to all of the topics we would be speaking about, over the course of the conversation. Our rebuttals were ok but needed some work. We could have had more logos in our rebuttals and also should have planned them out slightly more. Our conclusion was pretty decent. When a new person started talking each section, they would start off strong and slowly, the point of them talking generally would start to dwindle. We need to work on clearly concluding with solid points on each section.
The other team did fine. They had a few good points but didn't quite execute their rebuttals convincingly. I find it very offensive that I was accused of my points making no sense when there was no proof given to show this. I found it quite unprofessional and it made the person speaking lose credibility. But I do believe that they had a very good introduction and ending. Although the beginning was a little short, it was concise and clear. In the end, the other team accidentally backed up our point, but besides that it seemed very prepared and conclusive.
In the end, our team ended with winning the debate. I believe this was due to that fact that we were very prepared and able to support and back up our argument better than the other team. And although we won, there are still things we need to work on. We were decently prepared for this debate, but the more preparation, the better. I think we could also all learn to speak a little slower and clearer. I know that I personally messed up many times while speaking. I said the same point a couple times, was stuttering (making me look less convincing) and I left out an important fact I wanted to share. I could in the future be more prepared by writing everything down in the same place rather than brining up a notebook and an iPad. I could also practice more to make sure that I really know the order in which I need to say my points.
Overall, I learned a lot from this debate. I learned about how presenting yourself can make you seem more convincing. Tone of voice is very important and can affect how serially people take you, especially in a disagreement. I also learned that preparation is nessecary but speaking all the fly is also needed. This was a lot of fun and I believe that our team will do even better in the next debate.
Three more words.

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