Thursday, November 19, 2015

Research for Ted Talk

"You need to go to college, get a good job and have a family of your own." Have you ever felt like this was the outline of your life? Something that defined you even before you knew what a "major" was? Have you ever felt like you need a college degree to be successful? Well I'm here to say stop stressing, because that is not always the case. If getting a degree is your dream, that's great, but people need to know that is not the only option out there. The loans and debt that one has after finishing college can be overwhelming and you

Applying process
Get quotes, stats, relate to students in room currently applying to collages
Stress put on people to know their major, and career at an early age
Not guaranteed a job afterwards
Going to have to find direct evidence
TONS of student debt
Give examples of amounts

Successful People who Never Graduated from college:
Steve Jobs (Net worth $11 billion in 2011)
Richard Branson ($4.9 billion)
Dave Thomas ($99 million)
Michael Dell ($20 billion)

Main Points Explained But Still In Need of a lot of Editing: To show people that there are other options out there besides college. Although college is great for some people, it may not be the best choice fore others. Especially if they are having difficulty financially (relate back to student loans). I want to be able to state this without making college seem bad. I just want to show people that there are other options out there and when making decisions about the future, college is not the only path one has to take. There are a great amount of jobs that can include passion without a degree being needed. Also, success does not come directly from getting a good degree in college. Success comes from passion and handwork (maybe I could find a quote of someone saying how to get success). There have been many successful people that have not gotten a college degree (refer back to successful people list). Then maybe go into how even getting a degree does not guarantee a job. If you can not get a good job you can't pay off student debt (talk about average student debt, maybe find some more statistics on how many people graduate with student debt.) End by saying that college is a choice but you need to think is it worth it in the end?

Main Takeaway: Although college is great, the process of applying can be stressful, you are not even guaranteed a job after you receive your degree, and you can graduate having to face the pressure of student loans and debt hit you afterward. Sometimes you need to think to yourself, is it really worth it?

69% of 2013 senior graduates left school with an average student loan debt of $28,400, but debt ranged from  $18,656 to over $30,000. -

According to this graph, over time the amount of college graduates that are unemployed has dramatically increased, while students graduating with a high school degree have started to become more employed now than ever before.

If you do feel that college is not the right thing for you, there are many great jobs where a degree is not necessary.
Jobs that high school graduates can have:

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